Apache AGE is a graph extension for PostgreSQL.
Apache AGE™ is a PostgreSQL extension that provides graph database functionality. The goal of Apache AGE is to enable Postgres users to gain access to graph query modeling in Postgres’ existing relational model.
Apache AGE™ is a Top-Level Project of the Apache Software Foundation since May 2022. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
Below is a brief overview of the AGE architecture, similar to the PostgreSQL architecture and backend. Every component runs on the PostgreSQL transaction cache layer and storage layer.
1Parses Cypher queries embedded in cypher function calls. Here we implement the grammar for openCypher.
2Transforms a Cypher query into a Query tree that will be attached as a subquery node.
3Understands some graph operations and produces plan nodes that are related to graph operations.
4Executes plan nodes that are related to graph operations.
5Cypher queries work with Postgres existing fully transactional system (ACID).